Pop Booty: Terra AMA transcript

Pop Booty
7 min readApr 14, 2022

Transcript of the first Pop Booty Ask Me Anything, which took place on Twitter Spaces, April 10th 2022.

💛: Blossom
🧡: Lummine

💛 GM GM Guys! Be welcome to our first AMA on Pop Booty Twitter Spaces. I’m Blossom, I’m here with Lummine this is his first Twitter Spaces so be sure to make him embarrassing questions.

For those people who recently approached our project and don’t know much about us, we are both artists and co-founders of Pop Studios. While he focuses more on administrative tasks, video and photography, my main job is marketing and community management.

So welcome to our first Ask Me Anything, I don’t know if you want to introduce yourself, Lummine and talk a little bit about our project.

🧡 Thanks Blossom for breaking the ice. Hello guys! I’m Lummine, I’m the orange Booty in the Discord server, the funny and the loved one.

So… Let’s talk about Pop Booty! I think most of you already know our project very well, but a lot of new members joined recently, for those, first; welcome, we wrote different articles in Medium explaining the idea behind Pop Booty, you can find them in our bio.

But basically Pop Booty is a response, a response to the idea that many artists have about Nft’s and generative art, we found that Pop Art was able to make it through similar criticism that NFTs have. And we see generative art as the maximum expression of serial art, so bringing Pop Art back to NFTs makes sense to us.

💛 Yes, we took lots of inspiration from Pop Art, from the iconography to the message behind the art.

Pop Art mostly wanted to represent the culture of the time and the everyday things of a mass culture, like the advertising, comics, supermarket products and idols, like for example Marilyn Monroe (by the way go and check out the Marilyn Monroe I draw! It’s on Medium, I think it looks pretty well).

But the point is that as Pop Art represents its culture elements, we decided to represent our culture elements, and we think that sexualization and objectification of women’s bodies in advertising and fashion has a main role in our lives, that’s why we decided to highlight it as part of our culture.

This is pretty well explained in our last Medium post, so if you are interested in it go and check it out. So… Lummine?

🧡 Let’s answer some questions and drop some alpha!

Please, join our Discord, it’s on our Twitter bio and also pinned on the Space, you can leave your questions there, chat with the community and you’ll need it for some games we’re gonna do in this Spaces!

Remember: don’t ask silly questions, we’re only answering real questions like the first one we have, from Merkleman. He asks us:

1. Firm Or Squishy Booties?

🧡 What do you think Blossom?

💛 I think firm ones, definitely. What about you Lummine?

🧡 I think I prefer the squishy ones, I like my booties to be bouncing around, perhaps grab them, squishy are more my type, I’d like to know what Merkleman prefers, what our community prefer, tell us on discord, meanwhile let’s continue to the next question, from Merkleman, he asks:

2. What inspired you to become artists?

🧡 In my case, since very young I always had a close relation to art, my mom always sent me to ceramics and piano courses, but I was more interested in drawing. I used to do drawings about my favorite tv shows, and in school different kids wanted to pay me to also draw their favorite cartoon characters, and as I grow up I continued practicing.

Art it’s an incredible way to show different emotions that you can’t show in any other way. I really think that everyone should be at least interested in a form of art.

As a teen I joined art school, and started working as a freelancer doing commissions. So that’s my story. What inspired you, Blossom?

💛 I’ve also sold drawings to my classmates! In fact I didn’t know that about you. I’ve been interested in art since I was a child, loved to draw and then when I started investigating different artists I felt completely in love with some of them. Like Andy Warhol, René Magritte. In my teenage years I’ve done many courses about Drawing and Graphic Design; Photoshop, Illustrator.

Remember you can leave your questions on Discord and we will be answering them.

3. What’s your favorite artwork?

💛 I think mine is “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Bosch. Completely amazed by it for years.

🧡 I don’t think I have a favorite artwork, I like pretty much the last century posters, specially the ones that took inspiration on Egyptian Hieroglyphs, I think I appreciate artwork more by its history than the art indeed.

4. What superpowers would you have and why?

💛 I choose invisibility! I think it would be both fun and useful. One of the things I love the most is traveling. I would be able to get on planes and resorts without anyone noticing me. Use the pools at night when no one is there. That’s all I want!

🧡 I can’t understand how teleportation is that underrated compared to flying or invisibility, I would definitely choose teleportation, whenever I want I can simply appear in any place I want, and no one, not even you Blossom, would be able to catch me at the pool at night.

💛 Next question by Gnosis:

5. How did the team decide to mint only 500 booties?

🧡 Moments before we talked about being close to our community it’s something important to us, we want Pop Booty to be a link between a group of people with the same ideas about NFTs and art that we have, and build with them something bigger. We want the price to be both affordable and scarce so we can keep a close community where anyone interested can become part of it.

6. Will there be future projects, or are perhaps even airdrops planned?

💛 Yes definitely, we were thinking at least in three future collections, one of them is a reward, for our community members, we will give more information about it pretty soon, other one is an airdrop for our Pop Booty holders and last, but not least, a collection where all Poop Booty holders will be whitelisted from the start.

🧡 Our idea is to continue with Pop Art style, one of the collections will continue the booty related idea, but we also took inspiration from Lichtenstein and Strider for another collection.

Apart from that for a future collection we are thinking of experimenting with hybrid art, mixing both analog and digital worlds in a collage, taking inspiration from Richard Hamilton, from one of his works that is part of the fundamentals for Pop Art.

7. Are there other projects that have provided inspiration for your roadmap and vision?

🧡 Our vision was pretty defined from the start, we have an idea and we want to make that idea real, so we only thought about what we need to make it, the rest of the things just logically came to our minds.

💛 I think that if we can name a project, one we really like is Azuki, we think that the way they present their project is amazing, and we love the fact that they’re building a brand, that’s exactly what we want for Pop Studios and Pop Booty.

Let’s go to the next question! From Jayden:

8. Why booties?

🧡 Well as we said at the start of the Spaces we took inspiration of the message behind Pop Art, we wanted to represent an iconic element of our culture, we thought about the idols, but in this time, like Warhol said, everyone is world-famous for fifteen minutes, so we decided to go with an abstraction of what an icon of our culture is.

💛 In my opinion, the Booty is a representation of the sexualization that media uses to sell products in our time. The figure of the Booty has a lead role in our society, it feeds a sexual instinct to sell products and fills pockets, that is why it is such an exploited resource. So I think we should all become aware of our role as participants in this Pop Booty society.

9. Which other Terra NFT project would you love to collaborate with?

💛 I guess with collab you mean something apart from giveaways right? In that case can I drop a little bit of alpha Lummine? Please!

🧡 Should you?

💛 Yeah I think so. I wanted Empress to be here, but I guess it is too early for her. I’m proud to announce our first collaboration will be with Terra Meta Royals. Woohoo! But we can’t give more details right now.

Apart from that, we’re open to collaborate with any project interested in art culture. We would love to work on any interesting ideas! Something about Street Art probably. I’d love that.

10. Is there a webpage to see your own art?

💛 No, we don’t have one, yet.

🧡 Yet.

11. Any idea when the mint may be?

💛 I think late April, probably, we are still talking with launchpads, so there’s still nothing defined, but probably late April.

12. Will you guys get doxxed?

💛 We will get doxxed with our launchpad, because the ones we are talking to requires the team to be doxxed with them.

Apart from that we are pretty open, like for example our profile pictures and… well, Lummine doesn’t have Twitter account, but I do. Also you will see us in some surprises.

13. Do you know where it will launch?

💛 No, not yet, we are still talking with launchpads, but we have an idea.

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Pop Booty

A Cosmos project inspired by the Pop Art movement. 🍒